The University of Montana

An update on UM’s iTunesU

In Academic, Communication, Innovation, Media, Projects, Web on March 19, 2008 at 1:07 pm

Yesterday I responded to a Tech Partners email request for information concerning the implementation of iTunesU at the University of Montana. I would like to share this information with the larger University community via this blog.

I also would like to thank the Montana Kaimin for their recent article on iTunesU. I appreciate their coverage of our efforts to serve the students and professors.

Please feel free to call or email me with any questions you have on iTunesU.

Who is managing the iTunesU for campus?

Presentation & Technology Services is administering the implementation of iTunesU on campus.

Have professors/others been properly educated on the requirements for students to view/listen to postings?

Yes, P&TS provides instructions to professors who are having the lectures distributed through iTunesU. Currently lectures are also being co-hosted on the Mansfield’s Library eRes service. This provides access to students who do not have the iTunes application installed on their computer or are using lab computer.

Are students restricted to certain content based on their netID?

Yes, when a student logs-in to OneStop he/she is authenticated by their netID. When the student accesses iTunes (through the link within OneStop) they will see only courses in which they are enrolled, plus the UM section. The UM section contains postings of the President’s Lecture Series lectures, the State of the University address, and other content available to any member of the UM community. Please feel free to access the UM section on iTunesU to get a feel for how the service works.

To access the UM section on iTunesU start by going to, and then select the link to iTunesU from the Quick Links. If you do not have the iTunes application installed on your computer you will be prompted to install it.

Can students download and/or stream the casts?

The students can stream the content, and/or download the podcast.

How are those of you around campus, who manage labs, allowing access to the posted podcasts, or are you?

The students can get the files off eRes without any special software. eRes works same as downloading a file from a web page.

Currently the IT managed computer labs do not have iTunesU as part of their set-up. If the requests are made for it to be installed, we may include it on the machines in the future.

Was there a seminar or memo about this on campus that I missed?

I have presented several brown bag sessions on podcasting and iTunesU, the latest one was just a few weeks ago.

  1. Randy, It would also be helpful to include in here a link or description as to how a faculty member can get PTS to record their class for inclusion on iTunesU

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